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We are back for the 2021-22 season! Starting the season off strong, we are launching our brand-new website! We look forward to bringing back all of the content that we all love, such as scores, highlights, news and more! Make sure to follow us and subscribe on all social platforms so you don’t miss a thing!

We are also launching a brand-new internship program! If you’re interested in contributing to our team in any way, please DM us on Instagram or email us at For more information on this, visit the new website.

This season, we will mainly focus on Varsity basketball and hockey, along with YU basketball. We will also cover other Yeshiva League sports to a more minor degree, along with tournaments and other events throughout the season. Look out for articles posted on our website and in our section of the Jewish Link, keeping you up to date on all things Yeshiva League.

Check out our Yeshiva League Pass branches: YLP West Coast, covering California Varsity ball, as well as YLP Israel, covering the AFI Sports Leagues consisting of many former Yeshiva League stars competing in Israel!

COMING SOON: Yeshiva E-Sports, hosting E-Sports tournaments, leagues, and much more!

If you are interested in advertising or have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to reach out!

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